How to play sven
How to play sven

how to play sven how to play sven how to play sven

To secure ranged cs or 2+ mele creeps that you wouldn't otherwise secure.If the enemy pos 3 is going for the last hit on your ranged creep and you can harass them.If the enemy pos 4 has drawn aggro from the creeps and they are hitting them.2 Enemies are standing near each other, and you can set up your support for AOE harass.You always want to have your stun up for the ranged cs, in case you need to secure it. If you want to use your stun right away to maximise your mana regen and capitalise on it, make sure to be aware of when the enemy ranged creep will die. First Waveĭuring the first wave, you would want to save your stun in order to secure the Ranged last hit, preferably hit 1 or 2 heroes also with it at the same time. In magic heavy lanes, he would go for salve + tango, stick and QB. If he is planning on getting a Magic wand, he gets branches, if not, he goes for the salve. With the first courier, he carries a salve or 2 branches. If V-tune is against a heavy physical DMG lane, he starts with a Slipper of agility, magic stick and tangoes, Quelling blade, Make sure you check the YouTube Video guide here. I watched 5 replays and summarised what he does. In most of these games, he is 20+ kills and 0 deaths. Currently, he is sitting on a 75% win rate this patch out of 16 (12-4) games. I recently noticed how V-Tune is crushing everyone in 9k MMR + average games with Sven.

How to play sven